July 13, 2008

Your XSite Pro 2 Website Reports and Files

There is a lot of material that goes into building a website.  XSitePro 2.0 makes it easy for even a total beginner to build an advanced and attractive website and provides numerous advanced options for more experienced users, but there's no way to eliminate all the files that come along with a full website.  What XSite Pro does do, however, is provide tools that let you quickly and efficiently access the information you need.

Running Reports

X Site Pro provides a large suite of reports that present all relevant information about your website in one conveniently laid out place.  The Project and Site Overviews are reports that are presented in a printable format and are fully customizable.  Do you need a report that gives an in-depth and well organized overview of your website's store section?  Or maybe an overview of the various media to be found on your site?  By customizing your report options, you can pull up whatever information you desire with a series of a few mouse clicks.  These reports, like all the features of X Site Pro, are designed to be easy to use and efficient.  Its much more time and cost efficient to have a report run automatically than to trudge through every scrap of information on your site manually.

What To-Do?

When faced with a large project, it is very easy to get lost in the sheer enormity of it.  You may find yourself focusing on the more obvious tasks and end up leaving out some of the less obvious, but still crucial, work.  Well, X Site Pro thought of this as well.  The program provides an automated To-Do feature full of checklists that ensure you don't miss a thing.  While something as simple as a list seems like a dull feature in a program as advanced as XSitePro, do not underestimate its usefulness.

Tracking Time

Another report to be found in XSite Pro is the Site Publishing Report.  This tool keeps an exact record of your website's publishing history.  Whether it be a small update or a major overhaul, this feature will track your work.  With this tool, you can find out if you're clumping your updates together or spreading them out too much.  Its then a simple task to use the Scheduling Tool to space out your content releases to a proper interval that leaves your visitors satisfied.

The makers of X Site Pro understand that making a website is not all flashy graphics and fancy features.  You'll find the power to accomplish all of those things with XSitePro, but you'll also find the useful tools that will take your site from a beautiful failure to a stunning success.

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Filed under Benefits, Business Website, Technology, Web Design, easy website builder by James

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