July 13, 2008

Your XSite Pro 2 Website Reports and Files

There is a lot of material that goes into building a website.  XSitePro 2.0 makes it easy for even a total beginner to build an advanced and attractive website and provides numerous advanced options for more experienced users, but there's no way to eliminate all the files that come along with a full website.  What XSite Pro does do, however, is provide tools that let you quickly and efficiently access the information you need.

Running Reports

X Site Pro provides a large suite of reports that present all relevant information about your website in one conveniently laid out place.  The Project and Site Overviews are reports that are presented in a printable format and are fully customizable.  Do you need a report that gives an in-depth and well organized overview of your website's store section?  Or maybe an overview of the various media to be found on your site?  By customizing your report options, you can pull up whatever information you desire with a series of a few mouse clicks.  These reports, like all the features of X Site Pro, are designed to be easy to use and efficient.  Its much more time and cost efficient to have a report run automatically than to trudge through every scrap of information on your site manually.

What To-Do?

When faced with a large project, it is very easy to get lost in the sheer enormity of it.  You may find yourself focusing on the more obvious tasks and end up leaving out some of the less obvious, but still crucial, work.  Well, X Site Pro thought of this as well.  The program provides an automated To-Do feature full of checklists that ensure you don't miss a thing.  While something as simple as a list seems like a dull feature in a program as advanced as XSitePro, do not underestimate its usefulness.

Tracking Time

Another report to be found in XSite Pro is the Site Publishing Report.  This tool keeps an exact record of your website's publishing history.  Whether it be a small update or a major overhaul, this feature will track your work.  With this tool, you can find out if you're clumping your updates together or spreading them out too much.  Its then a simple task to use the Scheduling Tool to space out your content releases to a proper interval that leaves your visitors satisfied.

The makers of X Site Pro understand that making a website is not all flashy graphics and fancy features.  You'll find the power to accomplish all of those things with XSitePro, but you'll also find the useful tools that will take your site from a beautiful failure to a stunning success.

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Filed under Benefits, Business Website, Technology, Web Design, easy website builder by James

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Making Money With Your Website is Easy with XsitePro

While hobby websites are a welcome addition to the internet, most of the sites on the web are there for the purpose of making money.  Whether a website is an extension of an existing business or an entirely independent venture, making a website profitable is a tricky task.  Well, its not tricky at all if you use XSitePro 2.  You want to monetize your website as quickly as possible, and as easily as possible.  X Site Pro knows this and provides you with a lot of tools that can help you generate revenue.

Using Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a very powerful money making tool.  When you insert an AdSense advertisement into your page, the advert automatically scans your website and inserts contextual advertisements for products that are related to the subject of your website.  For example, if you have a website that focuses on keeping a dog as a pet, then AdSense will realize that and insert promotions for dog related products.  XSitePro makes it very easy to insert these ads into your website.  By using the XSitePro Google AdSense Wizard, you can inserts ads with only a few mouse clicks and start making money immediately.

Amazon Ads

Amazon.com is a powerhouse internet retailer that boasts legions of customers.  Up until now, adding relevant Amazon advertising to your website was a difficult and time consuming process.  But XSite Pro has created powerful tools that not only allow you to place an Amazon ad on your page, but you can place three different kinds of Amazon ads. 

Three Kinds of Amazon Ads

The first kind of Amazon ad is the Product Link, a text or image based link that is very useful if your website is reviewing or recommending a certain product.  The second is the Self-Optimizing Ad.  This ad will automatically scan your web pages to determine the them and will then display products that match that theme.  The third kind of ad is the Recommended Products ad.  This ad allows you to recommend products that directly relate to your individual web pages. 

Getting Started

Whichever type of ad you choose, you're sure to be earning money in no time.  All of these ads can be inserted into your web pages with incredible ease by using the built in features of X Site Pro 2.  With only a few minutes, and a few mouse clicks, you'll be making money from your website.

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Filed under Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online by James

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Showing Your XSitePro Site to the World

XSitePro 2.0 enables you to build incredible websites.  Also, the extensive template selections make sure that your website looks great.  But, what's the point of creating a website like that if nobody will see it?  Well, don't worry, because the makers of XSite Pro thought of this.  That's why they've provided an expansive suite of features designed to help you get your site noticed.

Increase Your Google Rating

Google has become one of the premier search engines in the world, and those websites that are listed at the beginning of a search are far more likely to be clicked on than the websites listed on later pages.  The last time you did a Google search, did you click on a site in the first two or three pages, or a site on the thirtieth?  So, increasing your rank on a Google search of the subject your site focuses on is a smart way to increase the number of visitors who view your site.  X Site Pro helps you to create an XML Google Sitemap using a simple tool.  This sitemap can then be submitted directly to Google to ensure that every page of your site is accounted for and indexed by Google's search engine.

The Power of Siloing

Siloing is an advanced technique used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  This technique, and the handy tools provided with X Site Pro, help you to create interlinking structures within your site.  These structures are designed to focus on a few themes and keywords that your website is built around.  These themes and keywords, when properly organized, can raise the ranking of your website on search engines considerably.  While the theory can seem a bit complicated, the makers of X Site Pro went to great lengths to ensure that this powerful feature is easily used and readily available.

SEO Analysis

While everybody wants their site to be optimized for search engines, its sometimes hard to know where to begin.  After all, the inner workings of search engines that index vast amounts of data are understandably complicated, so how do you make your site more amenable to these convoluted algorithms?  You simply open up the Page Analysis tab in X Site Pro and have it run an SEO Analysis on your website.  After the analysis is complete, XSitePro will suggest a series of improvements that will lead to a higher search engine ranking.

Discover more about XSitePro

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Filed under Build a Business Website, Business Website, Web Builder, XSitePro by James

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