August 14, 2008

XSitePro2 Copywriting Bonuses Added to Offer

Yes - The XSP Cheat Sheet Bonus offer now has another THREE top Copywriting bonuses worth hundreds. As if the XSP Cheat Sheet was not enough, the value just gets stronger.

Nobody else can offer the XSP Cheat Sheet FREE + Copywriting + Templates + Resale Rights + Webinars + a PROVEN track record of quality Client Service:


A BIG Thank You! Your XSP Cheat Sheet has been an invaluable guide to a beginner like me. With the information in the guide complimented by your video tutorials, I have been able to get my first XSitePro website built and SEO optimized in just under 48 hours.

The SEO & Traffic Generation Sections of XSP Cheat Sheet are exhaustive and precise and allowed me to take the functionality of the already powerful XSitePro to the next level. The complimentary software and SEO-ready templates included in your offering is like icing on a cake.

I had many choices for sources from which to buy XSitePro and I chose to buy through you only because of the added perceived value offered by the XSP Cheat Sheet. I am 200% satisfied with my decision and believe I have received outstanding value.

Last, but not the least, your 1-on-1 support has been outstanding and I very much appreciate you coming online to walk me through solutions whenever I was stumped with the application!

Andrew Srinarayan

Buy XSitepro with ALL the bonuses here

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Filed under Affiliate Marketing, Benefits, Comparison, Download, Make Money Online, Templates, Web Builder, XSite Pro 2 Review by James

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$100 off XSitePro Offer- WARNING

Some people get sucked in to claims of $100 discounts etc… when looking to buy xsitepro. The reality is the $100 off deal is available to ALL xsitepro2 buyers at the moment. Some marketers are trying to take advantage of your sense of urgency.

This screen shot from the official XSitePro page is proof:

So when you are looking at affiliate xsitepro bonus offers don't be conned. The $100 off is currently available to everyone!

By the way - really smart XSitePro 2 buyers are getting great value from the FREE XSP Cheat Sheet offer I make available here:

>> XSitePro Bonus <<

You get this $69.95 product FREE:

Plus FREE Videos from the membership area with FREE webinars and more:

Remember - You have the choice not to deal with 'no name' marketers who hide behind thin affiliate sites and offer "pretend" bonsues. Take a good look around those bonus sites at the terms and conditions and judge for yourself who is being upfront with you. The XSP Cheat Sheet has more that 1100 clients and has been around for more than a year and a half so you know you can trust me. Who else puts their own Skype number on the website for you to call and verify or ask questions? More bonuses are added each month and you don't have to pay anything. Just buy XSitePro 2 here.

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Filed under Affiliate Marketing, Comparison, Templates, XSite Pro 2 Review, XSitePro Announcement, XSitrePro Bonus by James

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July 15, 2008

Traffic Secrets 2 Review - John Reese

John Reese released Traffic Secrets 2 today.

This product is shipped to yoru door and has a great list of learning modules. the information is of huge assistance to people who want to stretch into a more advanced learning mode.

Traffic Secrets 1 was a great product and at the time john Reese was an underground marketer who went public. His lessons were shocking at the time. The new product traffic Secrets 2 has a heavy emphasis on the social web media aspect.

John loves testing and testing. He gets millions of visits to his websites and those numbers privide incredible data. Once you get data in volumes you can test faster anf more accurately.

Traffic Secrets 2 is for  action takers. make sure you get my free bonus when you grab Traffic Secrets 2 here



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Filed under Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Article, Benefits, Launch, Review, Tools by James

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